Bio 110 Tutorials

1 Welcome

Welcome to the BIO 110 tutorial site! Here you can find tutorials that will teach you how to work with data.

2 How to use these tutorials

Here’s a quick introduction for how to use the tutorials:

  • Use the bar at the top of the website to navigate between tutorials.

  • The tutorials sometimes take a little time to load, wait until there is a green circle that says Ready! under “WEBR STATUS” at the top of the page.

  • There are interactive code editors throughout the tutorials. Click the green “run code” button to run them.

    • Sometimes, there is an option to see a hint, check your work or see the answer. You are encouraged to try writing the code yourself before looking at a hint or the answer. You can also click the “Check your work” button if you want a way to see if you did it right without giving away the answer.

    • Within a code editor, everything is considered code and will run when you click “run code”. You can tell R to IGNORE a line by using a # in front of the line. This is called commenting.

2.1 Trouble Shooting

  • Sometimes, code chunks use the output from previous code chunks to run. So, it’s important to go through each tutorial sequentially. If you get an error message that says “Error: object not found”, it is probably because you didn’t run the previous code chunks, or because you typed the code wrong.

    • You can do separate tutorials out of order, as they do not rely on each other to run. For example, it’s fine to do lesson 4 before lesson 2.
  • You can refresh the page to restart, but this will delete any code you’ve already completed.

  • Error: If you get an error message, check that you included all the parenthesis, quotation marks and capitalization (R is case sensitive).

    • If that still doesn’t work, try copying and pasting the given answer and running the code. If that doesn’t work, you probably forgot to run a previous code chunk or properly define a variable.

3 Credits

Biological icons created by wanicon - Flaticon