Biodiversity tutorial


Grace Kazmir, edited for web version by Olivia Spagnuolo


Today we’ll be looking at biodiversity!

We’re going to using coding to help us think about biodiversity and make graphs.


What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of all life on Earth. It is often measured by the number of species in an ecosystem.

Here’s a video to learn more about biodiversity and how we can calculate it using Simpson’s Diversity Index.

Collecting data

To better understand the biodiversity in an ecosystem, scientists perform field work where they record information about an ecosystem. Let’s learn about the Borneo rainforst where scientists collect data about the plants, animals, and ecological factors there.

After scientists collect all this data, other people analyze it. They import and process data and then generate graphs and perform statistical analyses to learn more about what is happening in that ecosystem.

Today, we’re going to learn more about how to analyze data. We’ll use a coding language called R to process and analyze biodiversity data.

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